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If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below.


Current number of children on role: 162

Forest Hall Primary School is part of the North Tyneside Learning Trust and will admit any child who may benefit from being part of this school community following North Tyneside Local Authority admissions policy.


Our Nursery class is open 15 hours per week, mornings only, from 8.45 -11.45 am. There are 26 places available and we keep a waiting list.

We prefer children to attend for all 5 sessions each week as they become more settled and familiar with staff and routines.

Applications for places in Nursery are made directly to the School Office and should be made by Friday 16th February 2024 for admission in the academic year beginning in September 2024. We follow the local authority admission guidelines in offering places initially to those children in their pre-reception year; children living in our catchment area and those with older siblings in school.  Parents/carers will be offered a place in writing from School by the end of April 2024.

 Please note that attending our nursery class does not guarantee a place in our reception class.


School (Reception to Year 6)

There are 30 places available for the Reception class (4-5 yrs) in September 2024. Parents /carers must complete the North Tyneside Common Application Form (CAF)All applications must be made by the deadline date (13th January 2024)directly to the Access Team at North Tyneside Council, not school. Places will be allocated by the Access Team after this date and parents/carers will be offered a place on Offers Day, 16 April 2024.

You should list 3 preferences as only listing 1 school does not improve your chance of securing a place at your preferred school.


Transfer to high school

The majority of our children transfer to Longbenton High School at the end of Year 6. Children in Key Stage 2 (ages 7-11) form close links with the  high school through sport and music events.  There are often summer school events for Y6 pupils to help familiarise them with the staff, building and make new friends from other feeder primary schools.Y5 and Y6 pupils are invited to attend open evenings with their parents and can do so remotely during the pandemic. Staff from the high school come to visit Year 6 pupils, answering all questions posed to help ease the transition from primary to high school and dispel myths and worries.

Children also transfer to George Stephenson High School, Killingworth and St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Comprehensive School, Longbenton

See below for admissions appeals timetable, Trust Schools admissions policy and Co-ordinated Admissions Scheme. 

FAQ about admission to schools

Nursery Admission Policy 2024

Nursery Admission Policy 2025

Starting Reception Class in September 2024

Reception Admission September 2024

NTLT First and Primary Schools Admissions Policy 2024

Admission Policy for First and Primary Learning Trust Schools for September 2025

Determined Admissions Arrangements September 2024

DfE School Admissions Code
