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Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Lead:

Mrs Ridley

The Nursery and Reception classes make up the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). 
We follow the Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage 2021.
The EYFS is based around four guiding principles. These are; 
  • every child is a unique child, who is constantly learning and can be resilient, capable and self assured
  • children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships
  • children lean and develop in enabling environments with teaching and support from adults, who respond to their individual interests and needs and help them to build their learning over time
  • the importance of learning and development. Children develop at different rates.

Our curriculum is also split into Characteristics of Effective Learning and Areas of Learning and Development, which are all interconnected.


Characteristics of Effective Learning are the ways in which each child engages with other people and their environment;

  • Playing and Exploring
  • Active Learning
  • Creating and Thinking Critically


Areas of Learning and Development are split into Prime and Specific Areas;


Prime areas are fundamental, work together, and move through to support development in all other areas.

• Personal, Social and Emotional Development

• Communication and Language

• Physical Development


Specific areas include essential skills and knowledge for children to participate successfully in society.

• Literacy

• Mathematics

• Understanding the World

• Expressive Arts and Design



At Forest Hall we deliver the EYFS through a curriculum which is centred around topics and themes. We strive to provide the children with an experience which they will find exciting, engaging and rewarding. Consequently, the children are able to develop the foundations they will require for future learning.

Take a look at our class pages to see what we  have been doing recently!

Early Years Curriculum Progression

Early Years Foundation Stage and parents/carers as partners

One of the ways we like to involve parents/carers in their child's learning and development is through our half termly 'Stay and Play' sessions. Take a look at what some of our parents/carers have said.

Maths themed 'Stay and Play' 

General 'Stay and Play' feedback