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Statement of Intent


At Forest Hall, pupils participate in a range of sports, for enjoyment and to develop their health and fitness. Opportunities are provided to improve skills and become physically confident through dance, gymnastics, athletics, games, swimming, outdoor and adventurous activities.

At the same time we offer pupils the opportunity to participate in inter school, local and county wide competitions and encourage a sense of fairness and team spirit in all pupils.

PE Lead:


Miss Young

PE at Forest Hall


Throughout the Foundation Stage, Key Stage One and Key Stage Two, the school aims to encourage its pupils to participate in a range of sports, particularly for the purposes of enjoyment and recreation. Opportunities are provided to grow and develop through dance, gymnastics, athletics, games, swimming and outdoor and adventurous activities.  At the same time, we aim to support those who wish to participate in inter-class, inter-school, local and county wide competitions to further these ambitions.


In PE, our pupils acquire knowledge, skills and understanding, develop their analytical and evaluation skills and learn to work both independently and collaboratively as a part of a team. 


We have used the PE & Sports Premium to enhance the delivery of PE at Forest Hall in  Primary School.


We also work closely with the Newcastle United Foundation , who deliver the Premier League Primary Stars Program, and provide us with an after school club. The lessons are delivered by fully qualified coaches, and focus on all aspects of the PE curriculum, and along with lessons taught by our teachers, help us to build and improve the children's sporting ability.


We are also a proud member of the English Schools' Football Association.

PE Curriculum Overview

PE Kit


Indoor                                     Outdoor

White T shirt                            White T shirt

Royal blue shorts                    Royal blue shorts

Sandshoes                              Trainers

                                                Plain black, navy or grey tracksuit (when appropriate)


Hair tied back, no jewellery or watches.


PE Timetable



We are delighted to announce that we achieved the PLATINUM medal in the School Games Mark in 2023/24! Thank you to everyone who helped us to achieve this award!

After School Clubs


During Summer 2, Jamie from the Newcastle United Foundation will be running a multi skills club for Key Stage 2. The club will take place every Tuesday, from 3.15pm until 4.15pm.


Children's Cancer Run at School


We have all enjoyed taking part in the Children's Cancer Run at School for Children's Cancer North. We raised over £300 - massive thank you to everyone who sponsored the children!

Monty Magpie visits Forest Hall!


We had a surprise visitor in the form of Newcastle United's official mascot, Monty Magpie! The children (and staff) were so excited to see him. Some lucky winners were picked out of a hat and received a festive pack from Monty and he left a bar of chocolate for EVERYONE! What a treat! Mrs Collins loved it really... even if she was in red and white!

Outdoor Gym


We like to keep fit at Forest Hall, and to help with that, we have recently had an outdoor gym installed on our field. The children love it and it is really helping with our fitness and our mental health - it is also lots of fun!

Scooter Track


We are still managing to enjoy the bikes and scooters on our scooter track!

Active Mile Day


We had great fun taking part in the North Tyneside Active Mile Day on 28th April. Here are some photographs of some of us enjoying taking part! You can see more pictures over on our school Twitter, @foresthallps.

School Games Values

School Games Mark 2023-2024


We are delighted to announce that we have achieved the School Games Platinum Mark Award for the 2023/24 academic year, for the first time! The School Games Mark is a Government-led award scheme launched in 2012, facilitated by the Youth Sport Trust to reward and recognise school’s engagement (provision and uptake) in the School Games against a national benchmark and to celebrate keeping young people active, and we are delighted to have been recognised for our success.


We are extremely proud of our pupils for their dedication to all aspects of physical activity and school sport. We are committed to using the School Games to try and engage those young people who haven’t previously been active or represented our school, and to try and ensure that all our students have a positive experience and want to try out new activities beyond school too in our community. We believe in the power of physical activity and school sport as a school, and give opportunities to those young people that need it most, either as a participant, leader, official or volunteer. As part of our application, we were asked to fulfil criteria in the areas linked to the five School Games outcomes (passion, teamwork, self-belief, determination, honesty and respect), and we are pleased that the hard work of everyone at our school has been rewarded this year.


We would like to say a huge thank you to our School Games Officers, Joanne, Laura and Jo-Anne, and to all of the North Tyneside PE team for organising all of the events we have participated in this year.



Change4Life is a government initiated campaign, which aims to get children more active. Click on the link below for further information about the scheme.

The Daily Mile


In September 2017, we launched The Daily Mile. Public Health England recommend that children aged between 5-18 have 60 minutes of exercise every day - at school, we are responsible for 30 of those minutes. The Daily Mile is an initiative set up to encourage children to become more active during the school day. The aim is to try to get children running or walking at least a mile a day. Research has shown that if a child is more active, they are able to concentrate more in lessons, meaning they have stronger attainment levels and make more progress.
