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Meet the Governors

Welcome to our Governors’ section.
Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.
We have also provided a Register of Governor Interests and an Annual Statement of Issues for your information.
The Governing Body  Responsibilities
Mrs Jackie SparkesCo-opted RepresentativeChair, Health and Safety, Staffing & Finance
Mr Russell PickeringCo-opted RepresentativeVice Chair, Stafffing & Finance
Mrs Sue OrmerodFoundation RepresentativeStaffing and Finance, STEM
Mrs Eve MortonLocal Authority RepresentativeCurriculum chair, Safeguarding, Literacy and Early Years
Mrs Emma MorrisParent Representative Curriculum
Mrs Imogen CarrParent RepresentativeCurriculum
VacancyParent Representative TBC
Fr Ben JarvisCo-opted RepresentativeTBC
Ms Vicki NixonCo-opted RepresentativeTBC
Ms Nikki RenaldiStaff Representative Curriculum
Ms Carmel Parker Head Teacher member of all committees
VacancyFoundation Representative 
Mrs Catherine MurphyClerk to the Governors  
The Governing Body was reconstituted in September 2015.
Any of the governors can be contacted via the school office 
Please see the link below to view any of the governors interests.

Governors of Forest Hall Primary School 2021-22
