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Key Stage One - Larch

Welcome to Key Stage One


Take a look at some of the work we've been doing in Key Stage One.


Maths in Key Stage One


We love maths in Key Stage One - especially when it's practical. We have been doing lots of work on Place Value and using different manipulatives to help us. 

In Year 2, we've been using Base 10 to help us add and subtract two 2-digit numbers, crossing 10.

Healthy Eating


In Science, DT and PSHE, we have been learning all about what it means to be healthy and why it is important to have a healthy diet. In DT, we prepared our own healthy smoothies. We chopped the fruit by ourselves (with Miss Young watching to make sure we were safe!) and then we went outside in the sunshine and enjoyed the smoothies - they were delicious, especially when we added the whipped cream! 

Art and DT


In Science, we have learnt all about different materials and so we linked our art topic to this. We designed and made our own sculptures. When we had finished, we tested them and were so excited to see them float!

The Great Fire of London


Our topic is 'What was the Great Fire of London?' We are having so much fun learning about when the fire started, how it started and where it started. We found out that it started in a bakery, so we became bakers for the afternoon and made our very own hedgehog rolls!



In science, we are learning all about living things and their habitats. We have been into the wildlife garden a lot to look for minibeats and microhabitats. 


Key Stage One Spelling


Spelling in Key Stage One is taught using the Read, Write, Inc approach. The children are taught in groups and weekly spellings are sent home for the children to learn, ready a weekly spelling test.


Below are a list of the words that the children are expected to learn to read and spell by the end of Year 1 and the end of Year 2. There are called Common Exception Words.

The link below will take you to a website called Storyline Online, where there are hundreds of books being read aloud by various celebrities.

Year 2 Times Tables


By the end of Year 2, children are expected to be secure in their 2, 5 and 10 times tables. All of the children have a personal login to the Numbots website, which is a great way to support them in their maths learning. Hit the Button is also a great way to practise times tables, number bonds and key number facts. You can find links to both of these websites below. 
